Social Media Ban!

This Week: No April Fools today – my “Lets Buy TikTok Together” video dropped on 3/15. That’s how I roll.

A cartoon character running with balloons

Description automatically generatedFlorida Bans Social Media: It’s the law, although expect a variety of challenges to this legislation that bans social media for 13 and under, and requires parental permission for 14-15 year olds. It goes into effect 1/1/2025. I don’t often agree with Florida, but in this case I’m in favor of the bill. However, it will be almost impossible to enforce – and will likely jump-start the Fake ID market for pre-teens. I’d like to see this nationwide, as one of the ways the US can blunt TikTok, Meta and Snap’s negative effects.

The Fight for the Soul of the Internet: Another avenue in the US vs TikTok battle opened, as the FTC announced it is investigating DoubleT for data privacy violations. These bans and other legal maneuverings are just the pointy edge of a much bigger global movement to reign in social networks. Ownership, mental toxicity, data security and content all play into the larger picture. Want to know what’s really going on? My post last week lays it all out.

Shorts Earnings Lack Context: YouTube says more than 25% of the creators in its partnership program are earning on Shorts – along with many of its other revenue offerings. Although the raw numbers are impressive, Big Red neglected to announce the total payout over the last year, nor did they share a list of top earners and what they made. Nice to see creators making money, but without context it’s hard to judge the success.

SORA Drips and Drabs: OpenAI drips out a few more impressive new videos created with Sora. Love the Bunny Armadillo and the Girafflamingo (say that three times fast)! I wonder how OpenAI’s charm offensive went in Hollywood last week? Must be like forcing a snow-flake to face a raging fire.

Cults are Good for Business: Media analyst and professional needler @Evan Shapiro just penned one of the better descriptions of the Creator Economy. It’s not just influencers, and it’s not just video bloggers. He calls it the “Community Economy” – and I agree. I’ve been referring to it as DTC – “Direct to Community vs. “Direct to Consumer”. Maybe I need to change that to Direct To Cult. It’s a small difference but a mighty change in mind-set.

MEETUP ALERT: I’m headed to Las Vegas on April 14th to host Creator Lab at NAB! Four days focused on building the infrastructure for the creator economy. But we’ve got more than that in the works! I’m hosting an official Inside the Creator Economy Meetup from 5p-6p (or so) on the show floor of NAB at the Creator Lab. Want a free ticket? Use code CL11 for a free exhibits pass and come to the Creator Lab for a drink! South Hall, upstairs, towards the back.








  • Marketers love AI even more than creators – according to a new study. Roughly 80% of both groups have high hopes for AI – and are already using it to great effect. And surprisingly more than half of consumers prefer GenAI enhanced content from creators. Marketers plan to put their money to work here, with nearly 3 of 4 increasing their spend on AI enhanced creator content.
  • Captiv8 analyzes 5,000 TikTok and Instagram posts from 2003 to explore engagement rates across 9 categories. Key findings: Organic engagement increases as follower count declines on Instagram, but on TikTok it’s reversed. And Finance and Beauty win with Instagram, while TikTok leads in QSR and Cars.
  • Izea’s new “Trust in Influencer Marketing” US Consumer survey just dropped. Key findings: TikTok usage dropped among 18-29 year olds, more than half have bought something from a creator, influencers are trusted more than celebrities and much more!

TIPS – YouTube’s Todd Beaupre says “Don’t Delete Old Videos” – as it diminishes your audience reach.

SPONSOR THIS NEWSLETTER: Want to reach 25,000 leaders in the creator economy? check out Inside the Creator’s sponsorship packages and/or email me at

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I’ve built and sold multiple creator economy startups to top media companies – including Discovery and Paramount. Subscribe here on LinkedIn to get this newsletter every Monday.

Thanks for reading and see you around the internet.


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