Creators Should Boycott Apple

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A red devil with horns and claws on a plate of gold coins

Description automatically generatedBOYCOTT APPLE

The common perception is that creators make big bucks. It’s totally not true, but Apple didn’t get the memo. Its latest monopolist move: Stealing up to 30% of fan payments ostensibly made directly to creators using Patreon on IOS. It’s like the devil hoovering up tithes from the church collection plate. Patreon CEO Jack Conte recommends that creators increase their prices on the IOS app only – along with letting potential subscribers know that lower fees are elsewhere. I’ve got a better idea. How about creators band together and boycott all Apple products? Google’s store takes less, but still has an outsized vig too that impacts creators. Perhaps the creator-friendly White House can add this to the Apple monopoly action – after it figures out how to penalize Google for its own transgressions. Even more reason for creators to band together and stick up for their rights.

Related: YouTube and Spotify overtake Apple in podcasting.



As more creators get hacked, more solutions pop up to either protect or pick up the pieces. YouTube just introduced a new AI-based tool to help creators recover their channels, while an interesting new startup promises to protect accounts from being compromised in the first place. And old friend @Liron Segev is helping creators protect themselves too. With creators taking center stage, it was inevitable that more and more criminals would move. Be careful out there.



Regular readers know I’m a big fan of Gartner’s hype cycle, a proven way to track new technologies from introduction, to hype, to despair and then to profitable productivity. The venerable research company just released its 2024 version – and no surprise – Generative AI is free-falling into disillusionment and despair. But paradoxically you shouldn’t despair. History has proved over and over again that now is the time to build – just don’t expect a meaningful return for a few years. That means focus, adopting a lean operating model and preserving cash. Three technologies with creator ramifications that are headed up? Autonomous agents (aka creator clones), humanoid robots and digital twins. Gartner also recently released its hype cycle for digital advertising, calling retail media networks the latest to drop into the pit of despair.


SPONSOR: Content Creator and Whalar Talent Drew Afualo just launched her first book “LOUD” debuting #3 on the NYT Bestseller List for Advice, How To and Misc. category.  This empowering, inspiring, and patriarchy smashing book is a must read. Check it out and pick up a copy!

















100% written by me – no human or AI ghostwriters were involved in the production (except for the cover art!).

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I’ve built and sold multiple creator economy startups to top media companies – including Discovery and Paramount. Subscribe here on LinkedIn to get this newsletter every Monday.

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